Vote for Smirk and Gloat

All our candidates are highly trained in the art of the dismissive smirk.

Most are also quite competent at the aggressive gloat.

While most of our candidates claim to be right at the centre of the political spectrum when seeking to steal votes from the other side, they often think it is fine to wave their arms around to the right.  They particularly do so when shouting about military issues, family issues, environmental issues and funding issues. 

While smirks, gloats and denialism help to reduce the number of scandals reaching the news headlines, the main purpose of our political strategy is to keep bums on parliamentary seats when and where it matters most to our corporate coalition partners, the lobbyists.

We have done our best to keep News Crap on our side since 1952.  That has been the best way to win elections and keep News Crap profitable.

News Crap has brought and bought Laybore into line, even though that causes problems for voters in differentiating policies.  It is also is why quite a few of our more eccentric members wave the conservative arms race flag around the headlines whenever necessary.

There are several new players on the political scene in Australia though they are usually ignored by the media.  We prefer to ignore them too, unless a preference deal is required.

We are aware that inner city greenie ratbags have been infiltrating the ranks of our coalition partners for some time now.  That is why we have been unable to keep up the momentum of political-economic austerity and climate change denial to the extent our most important coalition partners deserve.

Disaffected and disinfected members of The Nationals and The Greens have recently formed their own coalition.  They have turned it into The Naturals, which they claim is a new political party for real leadership.

We are doing our best to dig the dirt on its members, and bully their activities out of existence, through various News Crap scare campaigns.

There is also the new Civility Party of Australia.  It is likely to be no threat to us whatsoever.  Civility never makes the headlines in Australia.  It is usually ignored.  That is why we prefer to smirk and gloat.
